Saint Louis University, the school for everybody

Lunes, Oktubre 11, 2010
SLU, a known school in this city and in others too is not only popular because there are many students attending there but also because of its greatness as a whole. J

One major thing that SLU focuses on is the history of the Philippines.

This exhibit is all about the history of the Philippines. It focuses on the struggles of Filipinos to achieve their independence. This exhibit is being held to improve peoples’ nationalism specifically students. J

SLU promotes Catholic faith. Saint Louis University does not only improve students’ intellect but it also improves students’ faith and trust in God. Every first Friday of a month Saint Louis University Laboratory High School holds a mass for the whole student body including the teachers and some staff. Through this it can be seen the improvement in faith of the students. With these activities partnered with the subject Religion can really change a person’s life and it can make a big impact on him/her. J

Student scholarship program

Because Saint Louis University is such a generous school it provides scholarship for students who cannot afford to go to school. Well, of course you should be deserving to be a scholar in SLU because SLU does not just throw away these scholarships but it looks for the best students fitted to be scholars. J

Through the years, SLU developed many things, progressed and changed for the better. Saint Louis University also had many presidents that all contributed in the development of SLU. Now, the man behind the “desk” is Fr. Jesse M. Hechanova, the current president of SLU.

Last August 20, 2005, Fr. Jesse M Hechanova had his Investiture Ceremony as the sixth President of Saint Louis University. Father Hechanova’s record indeed shows excellence in many fields. J  He is a great President, he participates in some school activities and he shows support to students. J

As the years pass by, many changes occur. It may be good or bad, beneficial or not, but mostly for SLU the changes that happened were for the sake of the common good.

Saint Louis University is going to celebrate its centennial on 2011 but as early as now preparations are already made. The centennial of SLU is a major event. It just proves that no matter what happens SLU is still standing strong. J Saint Louis University experienced many different things. Some are insults but most are praises.

SLU also offer many activities that enhance students’ talents. The SLU Tanghalan is for the students that have talent in acting, singing, dancing and etcetera. There are many great plays that the SLU tangahalan shows. Some are for pure entertainment, while some have a deeper meaning to what is being portrayed. 


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SLU-LHS my home, my school

Linggo, Oktubre 10, 2010
For the past two years until the present, Saint Louis University Laboratory High School has been my home and sometimes refuge. I spend fifty hours a week of my life working hard and studying hard in this school. I hear people say that high school is the best school life ever and talking from experience I would have to agree.

Saint Louis University Laboratory High School as my home, this school has been a huge part of my life. I wake up every morning, eat, brush my teeth, take a bath, and go to school. I do this routine every school day and sometimes weekends if necessary. J Everyday I look forward to going to school because it’s the best part of my day. In school, I experience many different things, I feel many emotions, I get to know different kinds of people, and I get to spend my day with friends and the people I love and SLU-LHS made this all possible for me.

As a science section student I feel that I haven’t fully experienced the real fun of being a teenager but being in SLU-LHS makes me feel great. Having spent my high school life with the same classmates made me feel very attached and close to them. I already consider them family. We, three science section students already have a strong bond and we already feel connected.

Now that all the third years are already together in one campus together with the second years and fourth years made Saint Louis University Laboratory High School a bigger home for me and for all of us. Being transferred in the same building with our batch mates is a really great thing. Through this we can experience unity with others and this made my life a lot happier. J

Saint Louis University Laboratory High School is my one and only school.

I remember my very first high school day in 2008, I was really nervous that time. I felt uncomfortable surrounded by strangers, huge strangers. I felt a little relief when I saw my friend in elementary, Riza, we exchanged hellos and I once again felt relief when she told me we were going to be classmates. We had our orientation and we went to our classrooms and it all started there. I made new friends even best friends. I became best friends with many people in my first year of high school these people are: Riza, Rachel, Patrick, Clyde, Allan, Alyana, and many more.

My friends in first year are still my friends now that I’m already a third year student. And through the years I made many more friends.

Having SLU-LHS as my school is really great because it is in this school that I have experienced many wonderful things. I experienced hurt, joy, fun, happiness, love and most of all to love. It is in this school that I saw, learned and understood the things that I didn’t understand and know when I was younger.

Now that I’m already a third year high school student made me think of all the fun things I missed in my earlier years of high school primarily because I’m a science section student and being in that position can sometimes be really difficult but I don’t regret every bit of it. J Being a science section student made me be very independent and somewhat stronger. And that’s what Saint Louis University Laboratory High School teaches the students to become.

Saint Louis University Laboratory High School is a really great school. It develops the better person inside every student and it makes students experience the real life. J

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